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July 16, 2024
7:00 pm EDT
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Few aspects of the college admissions process are more fraught with misinformation than the idea of going to university overseas.  Amazing opportunities exist that can give your child the experience (and education) of a lifetime while saving significantly over even in-state options here in the United States.  However, there are plenty of pitfalls that could result in a degree that ultimately isn’t worth the investment.

Join Kevin Newton of An Education Abroad as he discusses a brief overview of what to look for when applying overseas as well as how to save considerably on the entire process, no matter your EFC. Kevin Newton is the founder of An Education Abroad, a company that is dedicated to helping students find their dream degrees overseas.  With ten years of experience in higher education admissions, Kevin has helped students do everything from gain admission to Oxford and Cambridge to finding affordable programs that meet all their professional priorities.