Pay for College Without Blowing up Retirement
by Peter Lampert
As parents, we want our children to find a great-fit college. But all too often, we permit our college-bound student(s) to begin the college search process by falling in love with one choice. As a result, we end up finding a way to make them happy no matter what it takes—even if that means sacrificing our dreams for retirement. There has to be a better way. Peter M. Lampert explores how to pay for college without blowing up retirement in this guide. Learn how to: • make selecting a college a less stressful process; • preserve your nest egg while giving children a chance to succeed; • avoid overpaying for college. The author also focuses on key topics, such as financial aid, scholarships, and combining retirement planning with college planning. Approach your future—and help plot the future of your children—with wisdom, discretion, and savviness with the lessons in this life-changing guide.